Monday, March 10, 2025

Art Community


Cab Calloway on left and Arthur Singer on right in Jericho for dinner circa 1975

I grew up in a household with art and music, mostly because my parents were both involved in the visual arts, and my father had close friends in the Jazz World!  We went to see Cab Calloway at The Westbury Music Theatre and after that he came over to our house for dinner.  My father did a lot of design work for Cab, including his bandstands and a number of  famous posters for the Jazz star.

If you saw the exhibition we had last winter at The Rundel Library, you would have some idea of how important it is to build a community that supports the arts.  When I was younger I worked for publishers and got started writing about art while I was living in Brooklyn, New York in the late 1970s.  My first articles appeared in The Prospect Press, and I interviewed artists for American Artist Magazine.

Now, almost 50 years later, I am still interested in writing about art and artists, and I do that through this blog you are reading...  I can't say how important it is to belong to a vibrant visual arts community, and I certainly found one here in the Rochester area. Being part of this community came about for me because I was hired to teach in the School of Art at R.I.T. in 1988.  I was very thankful for this since there was a terrible economic crisis in the late 1980s.

Bill Finewood at Pittsford Fine Art

When you walk into Pittsford Fine Art right in the center of town, you find a vital group of artists you can relate to.  This month,  Bill Finewood is on deck, and I have been following his work for many years, both as a colleague at Rochester Institute of Technology and a fellow painter and illustrator.  I actually met Bill many years ago when he was giving a talk at a convention in New York City.  His work was all about three dimensional paper composition - some of which is now on view in Pittsford.  When I found out he had an office  nearby, I introduced myself and he later came out to teach illustration at R.I.T.

Sodus Light at Pittsford Fine Art
Oil on board by Bill Finewood

Some outstanding paintings are now on view, and I was drawn to the painting above of the lighthouse in Sodus.  Bill has a great eye for detail, and his work is strong in composition and color.  Bill Finewood is the featured artist this month,, and included in his section are drawings he made in Montana, with wonderful gradations of tonality that indicate space in the distant mountains.

When I speak about the art community, I am also thinking that it is just over a year since I moved out of The Hungerford Building.  Many other artists have moved away too, and I was speaking with a friend who moved - Suzi  Kuhn who is also represented in the Pittsford Fine Art Gallery.  She recently came back from a voyage to Iceland where she was attracted to the landscape ( and the seascape! ).

Suzi Zefting Kuhn

There is more to see in Pittsford, and I thought that the sculptural glass work by Nancy Gong stood out and I had a chance to talk with her about the techniques she uses - so different than painting!  If you  are going to work in glass - be ready to deal with the physics of the materials..  Nancy took some time to educate me on the ins and outs of glass work which seems to me like a science experiment.

Colors are sometimes applied to the surface of glass, and sometimes the colors are in the glass itself. Sometimes strands of glass can be used almost like a drawing material that retains its shape as it cools down.  You can see this in the big circular piece she has at Pittsford Fine Art.  Many stages and considerations of color and texture are in this work, and I don't think I have seen anything quite like it before...

Glass work by Nancy Gong

There was also a sculptural piece that looks like it could be a sort of Valentine gift by Nancy Gong, and it reminded me of the little sculptures I saw recently in The Memorial Art Gallery shop made by my friend Tarrant Clements.  Nancy Gong has some of that humor in her piece, and it is another reason to stop by Pittsford Fine Art for a look.

Nancy Gong with her Glass work
Pittsford Fine Art, Pittsford, New York

Saturday, March 1, 2025

East & West

 We start out this new year thinking about how sales of art are being effected by conditions in the marketplace.  My father, Arthur Singer ( 1917-1990 ), left me some wonderful Japanese prints in his will, and now the time has come to see if they will sell.

Years ago, my dad bought many collectible prints through the Ronin Gallery in New York City, so we drove down there to meet Roni Neuer who has been the owner and director there for many years.

Hiroshige's " Kanbara " (1833 ) print on paper

Hopefully,  we will find a buyer for our Hiroshige print which is also called "Evening Snow", a real classic still in fine condition.  The Ronin Gallery is located near the New York Public Library in a building once known as the Engineer's Club, Bryant Park Place. Along with major Japanese prints,  they have wonderful pieces of furniture by George Nakashima ( 1905-1990 ).  Nakashima was a greatly respected woodworker and architect.  

Ronin Gallery, 32 West 40th Street, NYC

So we left a couple of prints on consignment and hope that they inspire some collectors!  Later that same Tuesday, we were in Brooklyn, so we thought that we would go see some exhibitions at the Brooklyn Museum near our old home in Park Slope.  No luck - the museum was closed, and we understand that the  Brooklyn Museum is having some financial difficulties!  We won't make that mistake again....

Back upstate, after our drive home, we made our way over to The Memorial Art Gallery to see their new show of Alma Thomas.  After we went inside,  first there is an installation of the video artist Nam June Paik. ( 1932 -2006 ) which includes this curious piece below:

Nam June Paik, South Korean artist in the collection at MAG

We found that The Memorial Art Gallery is making much more of an effort to include artists who were overlooked in the past, maybe because of bias in the marketplace.  Their exhibitions now include many more artists  who are women and indigenous tribal peoples from all over the country.  I am glad that this museum is working on this and making an effort to  recognize their achievements!  I also know that this might come too late for those artists who do not find an audience during their lifetimes!

Luckily, Alma Thomas ( 1891-1978 ) did find an audience for her artwork, and she had  success in showing her paintings in places like the Whitney Museum in Manhattan and the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, D.C.  Here at The MAG, her new show is called "Composing Color" and features a set of  abstractions which are inspired by the music she liked and the scenes of nature that she loved so.

Alma Thomas ( 1891-1978 ) at The Memorial Art Gallery
Rochester, NY

Read the wall label and you find out that Alma Thomas was the first art student to win a degree from  Howard University; she then went on to teach art herself for more than 30 years.  Her paintings on view at The MAG feature bold color and intense patterns. 

Alma Thomas   at The MAG

Her work serves as an inspiration and  her paintings are beautiful in their applications of paint when you walk up close to try and understand how she accomplished this kind of impact.  Take some time to look around and this experience will  register  real pleasure. ( but look closely ! ).

Friday, February 7, 2025



Winter is here!  It is snowy but glowing, and I wanted to check in with people who read these posts and thank them for their attention!  I got started writing about the visual arts many years ago because there was so little in the newspaper that kept up with all that is happening in our area, and I am afraid it has only gotten worse!  The pandemic didn't help either, and now that we are in recovery we have to deal with a new administration that defies democracy!

Feline art lover at RoCo

I had a very nice walk into the Annual Member show at RoCo, and there is so much to take in...over 400 artworks to see.  Every style you can think of is represented and I was very pleased to see new artworks from some of my old students!  Also, it is great to see those Red Dots!  That means someone takes a real liking to a piece and buys it and maybe shares the proceeds with RoCo, so that they can continue to feature the visual arts in our community!

Sales of art can help especially for artists trying to stay afloat!

I am sure that this new year will present some challenges, and I just read in the Democrat & Chronicle that my friend and graphic designer Kelly Cheatle is planning a run for City Council!  Kelly is an RIT graduate and she also designed my website.  You also may know her for her amazing work with Airigami - the great exhibitions of balloon sculptures she has  created with Larry her husband at 510 State Street in Rochester.

I think Kelly will really make an effort to bring issues up about how the arts can lift people up here in this city, she has the experience and She Cares!

This new year brings some new opportunities that I want to share with you as we go forward.  I have been working on new paintings in my studio like the piece I call "Dispatch" that you see below:

"Dispatch" by Alan Singer.  This work is a painting using Acrylic gouache.

This new artwork is strong on geometry and color, and follows a series of experiments I have been making using the ideas about cellular automata expressed in the big book "A New Kind of Science" by Stephen Wolfram.  This new painting is also now featured on an art collection website for Apricus.  I did a little interview with the owner - Henry Clark.  The interview is featured on his podcast so here is a link:

The publication also from Marquis Who's Who is something that I want to mention to you. I have the cover story and this is also a BIG book full of interesting profiles!

Marquis Who's Who recent publication with my cover story!

I have to get back to the studio now, and I want to concentrate on my new painting, and I will continue to share ideas with you in posts for this new year, 2025!  Thanks again for your support... Take Care!